Wednesday 25 May 2011

Clothes, glorious clothes: 3rd June

Is your wardrobe more slummy mummy than Sex and the City? Do you feel more 'bag lady' than 'Carrie Bradshaw'? Are you needing to re-stock and re-invent your summer wardrobe to create your signature summer look?
Well, fear not and guess what?? Mum's the Word are having a summer Clothes Swap on Friday 3rd June. Bring your lovely, but no-longer-worn-by-you pieces - be they ladies, men's or children's, and swap them for something else.

It's free, it's eco friendly and you get new clothes! What's not to love...

Thanks to all of you who came along last week to play bingo -  we hope you're enjoying your prizes- many thanks again to all the lovely local business who contributed prizes: Rio Cinema, Homage, Pictures & Light, Baby Bath House to name but a few...

So from now, what with all the bank holidays Friday's over with for a bit, we're back on our two week timetable now with lots of fun stuff in store.

We are always after suggestions, ideas and input though from you, and we would especially like the blog to be used more as a forum for all, rather than just a messsage board used by us. So please follow us, comment and get involved. We'll do our bit and post more interesting things as well as weekly updates, we may even get guest bloggers on so any suggestions/offers there would be greatly appreciated...
See you Friday,

Alice & Alice x